
The French company INTERDESCO is producer of epoxide and polyurethane binding agents and bituminous sealants and offers a large range of : resin coatings, waterproof systems and construction and civil engineering special products for application in following segments : - Roads and urbain planning : joints and cracks sealants , colored-asphalt protection coatings, suitable for car traffic or footh path, tree well covers,…; - Floors for buildings and various industries: high mechanical resistance floors, car park coatings, decorative coatings, antistatic floors,…; - Airports indoor (decorative coatings, waterproofing systems, car park coatings,…) and outdoor (joints and crack sealants, tracks lighting sealing quick setting grout products, anti-kerosene jet fuel resistant coatings,...); - Civil engineering, bridges and tunnels: waterproofing systems, joint and cracks sealants, railways (joints, sealants,…).